Hunting/Fishing Guide and Land Mangement Service
Guide and Owner - James Newlun
Cell: 608-542-1414
Home: 608-427-3367
Land Management
Scenic Bluffs Outfitters LLC has a special interest in land
management for promoting and retaining quality wildlife.
If you want quality deer management, planning is a must. We will help you setup your property to attract and retain whitetail deer year after year. We will also help you setup your property to provide the nourishment that is needed to support growth of the whitetail.
Providing high quality nutrition is key. We have access to a full line of high quality food plot seed for all seasons. Whether your land is dry and well drained or moist bottom land, we can assess your property and develop a specific plan for your needs.
We will provided customizable consultation of properties to suit your specific wildlife management needs. Services can include: property clean-up, clearing of trails and shooting lanes, food plot prep, soil samples with a complete lab analysis, ground work with tilling, discing, seeding/planting, cultipacking, spraying, blading, and mowing brush.
We also do other custom projects requiring tractor work for other projects such as gardens, yard clean-up, horse arenas, driveways and other requests. Contact us to discuss your specfic requests.